A special happy birthday goes out to Derek 'Gunner' LeBlanc, he turned a very young and spry 24 years old today. With his birthday Derek was hoping to sprout a little more facial hair for the playoffs, "I woke up this morning and went straight to the mirror to check, I'd like to say I didn't care when I noticed that my beard still struggled, but I'd be lying." When I offered Gunner the option of having a beard like myself but the back hair comes as a package deal he was quick to turn down the offer.
In other news, were sitting at my house right now just finished a post game meal and a BL, and in walks Cody Bostock with news that Canada had just purchased half of Hawaii!!!! I know outrageous right!!! Hard to believe he goes on to tell us about the website sympatico.ca that had this story so we checked it out of course with all of us here being Canadian we had to know the story. While reading the story it tells us that Canada spent 2.3 Billion dollars and that the U.S. did it to create income for the debt that they're in. They had Quotes from native people to the islands, the story also went into detail about the customs buildings that were going to be built and where the border would be through the islands. Sounds outrageous, and it was, when we finished the article there was a link at the bottom of the page that when clicked on the headline read APRIL FOOLS!!! We all accepted that we were dumb enough to believe the article, not only that we were very close to checking Air Canada flights to Hawaii hoping for some kind of deal to go visit our new province. I think it would have just been an addition to the province of Saskatchewan, it only makes sense.